

Between this link and that of the Publicity link, we offer materials from Cy’s career which are in many respects the most historically fascinating.  In these two sectionsHere you will find subchapters setting forth articles on Cy, as published in papers and magazines over the decades; photographs; letters and telegrams; Cy’s incredible mailing list; an awesome autograph book Cy gave to his teenage niece, Ruth; a compendium of diverse literary references, in which Cy is somehow discussed; Cy’s 1966 Diary, listing day-by-day the patrons who came to hear him play at the Drake and elsewhere; a beautifully-written narrative ode to Cy, sadly anonymous as there is no author attribution and we are unable to determine who wrote it; and much, much more.

This archival section is also the part of the website most likely to grow and change as time goes on, since there remains a substantial amount of materials yet to be scanned and added to it.  Our primary goal here is to ensure that Cy’s legacy, from both a musical, a musical history, and a personal perspective, is set forth in a fashion that will allow all viewers to fully enjoy Cy’s extraordinary contributions to the musical world of which he was such a vibrant part.  Almost as critically, we offer these materials with the fervent hope that by doing so we will, in some small measure, help to ensure that this wonderful genre of music is preserved to be experienced and enjoyed by generations to come.  As time goes by, more and more of the Twentieth Century’s musical wonders are being irretrievably lost, and Cam Walter’s prescient retention of these materials has, thankfully, allowed us to prevent such an outcome from happening here.