[1930s] [1940s] [1950s] [1960s] [1970s]
From a musical/social history perspective, there is an almost dichotomized quality to the writings from the popular press (newspapers, magazines, etc.) about Cy and his career which have survived. These writings, at times, seem to chronicle in minute, almost micro, detail, what were the twists and turns, the accolades and anecdotes, of Cy’s musical and personal life. Yet simultaneously, the articles set forth below also chronicle myriad other key persons, places, and events in the history of café/cabaret society, revealing an amazing tapestry of facets of what was then the macro social experience. This dichotomy is likely presented for the very reason that Cy was so much at the center of the musical/entertainment world of which his career was a special part; but, as you will see in perusing these articles, the life of Cy Walter, the pianist, is also portrayed here alongside the lives of all those persons who were his friends and contemporaries.