Wall Street Journal Tribute to Cy Walter and the Sublimities CDs

cywaltersublimitiesTerry Teachout, the Wall Street Journal’s music/drama critic, has crafted an extraordinarily well-written tribute to Cy Walter’s artistry which also heralds the timely Cy Walter Centennial release of Harbinger Records’ two-CD set, Cy Walter:  Sublimities,  Vols. 1 and 2 (available for purchase on Amazon).  Terry’s lyrical prose applauds Cy’s musical genius and seeks to ensure that many more people discover and enjoy it.  The article appears directly below, but you may need to wait a few moments for it to appear while the site loads the image.

For an excellent 23 December 2015 review of these Sublimities CDs by author Frank Behrens which appeared in the Brattleboro, Vermont Reformer newspaper, visit http://www.reformer.com/ovation/ci_29304321/keyboard-artistry-cy-walter .  And a 21 March 2016 review by film critic Leonard Maltin may also be enjoyed at http://leonardmaltin.com/a-jazz-approach-to-vertigo/.

Cy Walter Article.Terry Teachout.WSJ.14 January 2016