Creation of the Cy Walter Foundation

The Cy Walter Foundation has been formally incorporated as a Pennsylvania not-for-profit corporation and has been accorded tax-exempt, federal Section 501(c)(3) treatment. This means that all contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. All donations (100 percent of which are applied to the Foundation’s mission; no salaries are paid and all efforts are volunteered) are gratefully welcomed.  Donations may be made by check payable to the Cy Walter Foundation and sent to the address below, or by clicking on the “Donate” via PayPal button below.

The purpose of the Foundation is to generate and support activities and projects which increase public awareness of the spirit and creative genius of musician Cy Walter and which perpetuate his lifework. The Cy Walter Centennial Celebration that was held on 27 September 2015 is a prime example of such an effort. The Foundation’s Board of Directors consists of Mark Walter (also President); Jan Nelson (also Secretary); Brian Weeks (also Treasurer), with Robert N. Scott serving as a Director. You may contact the Foundation through Mark Walter at or 212-579-5442; the Foundation’s address is 209 West High Street, #5, Milford, Pennsylvania  18337.

Mark Walter
August, 2019